A. Matched Samples
Matched samples is a situation whereby participants are paired, sharing every other characteristics except the one under investigation. The idea behind this is to have more control over unwanted variables. In this case, the study is measuring two production methods and in order to control the unwanted variable and leave only the characteristic or variable under investigation which is the production method, the two method is carried out by the same workers each.
<u>Teardrop Rucksack</u> has the highest production cost.
Production fees refer to all of the direct and oblique fees businesses face from production a product or offering a carrier. Manufacturing expenses can consist of a selection of costs, including exertions, raw substances, consumable manufacturing materials, and general overhead.
It includes 3 most important costs: uncooked substances, direct labor, and overhead. Those charges can be fixed (maximum overhead) or variable (uncooked substances and hard work). The whole product value formula is general Product price = fee of raw substances + price of Direct exertions + price of Overhead.
Blanketed inside the production fee are (1) the fee of uncooked materials, (2) the fee of direct labor, and (3) the cost of overhead. Raw substances and hard work costs are frequently variable, even as the overhead expenses are in the main fixed.
Learn more about production cost here:-
external secondary data
Secondary data is information collected by other people or other sources. The most common secondary data sources are national censuses, sales reports, economic reports, etc.
This type of data is very useful because it can help us to reduce the costs of a marketing research or other types of studies. A lot of information can be found on the internet, but you must try to use only the information that comes from reliable sources.
65000$ remains available for complete operation losses.
$20,000 of the $25,000 loss is paid by the policy. The $15,000 loss is paid in full. Together these payments reduce the $100,000 aggregate limit to $65,000.
100,0000-20,000-15,000 = 65,000 $.
It should listen to his mother.
This week cash flow handled the fixed cost of 10 to Raymond's brother.
His father is not considering that so it thinks the business flops.
Now that fixed cost are paid the following weeks his gains will increase entirely based on the sales volume so, it is better to continue the business for the next three weeks.