Plagiarizing means when some one copy the content of any topic from the sources i.e website, solutions manual, friend manual. And if some one check the solutions and find it that it was copied from somewhere the same we termed as plagiarizing.
In the given situation, if someone copying the content from someone else document so it would be called as deliberate plagiarizing
And if someone did not have any idea about it so we called accidental plagiarizing
<span>CNET hope this helps</span>
I programmed in batch before so I know a lot of things!
You can ping a website to test your latency.
I have a ton of tricks in cmd (Command Prompt). Message me if you want.
Alternative 1:A small D-cache with a hit rate of 94% and a hit access time of 1 cycle (assume that no additional cycles on top of the baseline CPI are added to the execution on a cache hit in this case).Alternative 2: A larger D-cache with a hit rate of 98% and the hit access time of 2 cycles (assume that every memory instruction that hits into the cache adds one additional cycle on top of the baseline CPI). a)[10%] Estimate the CPI metric for both of these designs and determine which of these two designsprovides better performance. Explain your answers!CPI = # Cycles / # InsnLet X = # InsnCPI = # Cycles / XAlternative 1:# Cycles = 0.50*X*2 + 0.50*X(0.94*2 + 0.06*150)CPI= 0.50*X*2 + 0.50*X(0.94*2 + 0.06*150) / X1= X(0.50*2 + 0.50(0.94*2 + 0.06*150) ) / X= 0.50*2 + 0.50(0.94*2 + 0.06*150)= 6.44Alternative 2:# Cycles = 0.50*X*2 + 0.50*X(0.98*(2+1) + 0.02*150)CPI= 0.50*X*2 + 0.50*X(0.98*(2+1) + 0.02*150) / X2= X(0.50*2 + 0.50(0.98*(2+1) + 0.02*150)) / X= 0.50*2 + 0.50(0.98*(2+1) + 0.02*150)= 3.97Alternative 2 has a lower CPI, therefore Alternative 2 provides better performance.