Many early political structures were governed by hereditary and patriarchal rulers. This was actual the main problem that were faced by the people during the early years. The rulers were never chosen on merit and hence some of the civilizations lost the glory that their previous generations created. Due to this fact the United States of America slowly moved away from this strategy and went for the merit based selection.
It is Chavez’s dream to see <u>farm workers be treated fairly as human beings</u>.
Cesar E. Chavez works hard to bring better life for farm workers. He wanted farm workers to be treated as human beings.
Many people involved in the farm work were under savage condition. They lived under trees, near garbage and near tomato fields. They don’t have proper shelter; vicious rats disturb them during their sleep. They walk long distance to purchase their foods at inflated prices. Farm workers worked for long hours and their life expectancy was also reduced.
Chavez wants the farm workers to be treated as humans and not as beasts.
Relativism is the part of meta-ethics. It is discussed widely out from the philosophical. This topic is controversial among philosophers and non-philosophers. Some philosophers are quite critical about the relativism. But other philosophers favor the formation of the moral relativism. It was not so much hot topic among philosophers in the 20th century.
Thus capital punishment is a different moral question for Nomadic peoples who were living in tents. So that the societies need more security prisons involved the relativism.
This is the phenomenon in which a personal belief, norms, and values are to be re-engineered. This is the process that has been conducted by many of the parents in their household tasks. It has been taken in the military boot camp and maybe take place in the total institution.
This is the process in which a person learns what is social and what is not social or what should be learned and what should not be learned. This is the process through that we can socialized the unlearn and learn things.