Homes wete destoryed and people where dead
They have lots of shops
So basically they have a lot of things and more peopel come
The answer is: She compares the language acquisition process to a child beginning to build a sound house.
Lippi-Green is an American writer and academic that has focused on the study of sociolinguistics, accent and discriminatory practices, in her book "English with an accent: language, ideology and discrimination in the United States", published in 1997, she explores the relationship between language and ideology and the social construction of an accent.
In this book, she uses the metaphor of a sound house to explain children's language acquisition process, which changes over the years from the child's first words until he is approximately 20 years old. She uses this metaphor alongside other architectural concepts to illustrate how a child's accent changes asit resembles the onfe of the people closest to the child.
B. the government.
Health can be defined as a state of well-being where all of the components with respect to good health are in balance. These state of well-being comprises of six (6) important components and they are;
1. Physical: this is a measure of the state of an individual's body or the way the body functions. It is enhanced by eating right, working out or exercising, avoiding drugs and alcohol, maintaining a good body mass index etc.
2. Emotional: this deals with the state of an individual's mind being void of worries, negativity etc.
3. Social: this involves keeping a good relationship with friends, family and many others around.
4. Environmental: it deals with maintaining a hygienic surrounding, that is devoid of pollutants.
5. Mental or intellectual: avoiding unnecessary stress and anxiety while dealing or coping with the realities of life.
6. Spiritual: it encompasses belief systems, values, ideals, morality etc.
Hence, health services employees who work in university research centers most likely work for the government because the government is an agent saddled with the responsibility of providing protection and health care services to its citizens living within the country.