The agency monitors the need for vaccinations for infectios disease is the Center for Disease Control or CDC
The four influences on health status are:
medical care - 10% of health status - you don't have much control over medical care
lifestyle - 40% of health status - you have more control over your lifestyle
genetics - 30% of health status - you have no control over your genetics
environment - 20% of health status - you have some control over your environment
Examples of common indoor pollutants are: 1) mold and pollen, 2) asbestos, formaldehyde and lead. 3) tobacco smoke 4) household products and pesticides.
Examples of common outdoor pollutants are: 1) ozone - smog 2) diesel exhaust 3) nitrogen oxide 4) particulate matter
Sources of hazardous waste are: 1) Industrial hazardous waste 2) small quantity generators
Men have a greater risk of heart attack then women do, and men have attacks earlier in life.
C because it might not protect your fall
the center of gravity will shift
Every single body and thus the athletes themselves, is made up of individual components each of which has its own weight. ... So if the same body is to take a different shape, the position of the center of gravity will shift. An athlete that bends his/her legs will lower his/her center of gravity position.