The Progressives were people advocating social reform. They believed in science and technology, and were very political people.
The Devshirme system was a system where Christian boys were recruited by force to serve the Ottoman government.
The correct answer is D) revenge.
President Wilson's 14 point peace plan based on democracy, self-determination, and collective security was rejected at the Paris Peace Conference because Europe wanted revenge.
United States President Woodrow Wilson believed that the implementation of its “14 points” would make the world safe for democracy.
When President Woodrow Wilson addressed the Congres of the United States on January 18, 1918, he elaborated 14 points with his ideas after the conclusion of World War I.
However, allied powers such as France and Great Britain did not really want a long-lasting peace in Europe. These countries wanted revenge and force Germany to pay for war reparations. France and England accused Germany of all the pain and destruction created during the war.
Promotion could have multiple meanings.
For example, if you say "Mr. Knight got promoted (or got a promotion) from supervisor to manager". There promotion means "raise".
If a product is at promotion there promotion means advertising efforts.
It could also refer to a way to support a cause. For example: There's a campaing supporting healthy lifestyle promotion.
I always "felt" I could write. I did not always "feel" I could effectively study a foreign language.