I believe his anger disappeared, as he too wanted to patch things up.
This has to do with Milton's Paradise Lost, where Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, and then made Adam do it as well, which caused them to fall from grace. She started apologizing to Adam, saying that it was in fact her own fault, and because they loved each other, he forgave her because he wanted to be with his wife again.
This is false! a flash card is there to help you learn a concept if you fill it up just to make it full it may give you information that is false and make you fail when someone asks you the question and you answer what you learned from that card
In "The Return of a Private" when Edward Smith praises his wife's biscuits, he is really praising her.
Hamlin Garland writes about the tenderness between Edward and Emma Smith by depicting a deeper connection between the two characters. The clearest example of this comes when Edward praises Emma by praising her biscuits.