Following are the expression to this question:
if (young and famous==True):
For print, the given expression the code requires some modification that can be defined as follows:
young = True#defining a bool variable that holds a value True
famous = True#defining a bool variable that holds a value True
if (young and famous==True):#defining if block that check variable value
print('You must be rich!')#print message
else:#else block
print('There is always the lottery...')#print message
You must be rich!
Code explanation:
In the above-given code, two variable "young and famous" is declared, that hold a "True" which is a bool value, in this code, a conditional statement has used, that checks variable value, which can be defined as follows:
- In the if block, it uses the above declared variable with and gate to check its value is equal to true.
- If the condition is true, it will print the true block message, otherwise, go to the else block in this, it will print the else block message.
There are 3 Data Hazard
Find attached the solution
The missing code to this question is g.
In this question firstly import packages. Then declaration of the class Test that inherits the JApplet. In this class, we declare the default constructor. In this constructor, we call the add function. Then we declare another class that is SquarePanel. This class inherits JPanel. In this class, we define a method that is paintComponent(). In this method, we define an integer variable. In this method, we perform calculations and pass it to another function that is displaySquares(). In this function, we pass the value as the arguments. So in question the missing code or argument is g.
public class Digits
public static boolean allDigitsOdd(int num)
boolean flag=true;
int rem;
if(rem%2==0) // if a even digit found immediately breaks out of loop
return flag; //returns result
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println(allDigitsOdd(1375)); //returns true as all are odd digits
Above program has 2 static methods inside a class Digits. Logic behind above function is that a number is divided by 10 until it is less than 0. Each time its remainder by 0 is checked if even immediately breaks out of the loop.
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