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A directive access control is used to direct, confine, or control the actions of subject to force compliance with security policies. Some examples of direct access controls are: security guards, guard dogs, posted notifications, monitoring, supervising, work task procedures, and awareness training. It can also be categorized by how it is implemented; for example, it can be administrative, logical/technical, or physical.
While you’re using the DELETE or UPDATE to change the data in any database like MySQL or ORACLE, the WHERE clause can be used to avoid inadvertently changing data everywhere.
The WHERE clause checks the condition and the changes mentioned by the DELETE or UPDATE command will be done if the condition is true. There are also other clauses like HAVING, IN which will have range either inclusive or exclusive.
It is also noted that in MySQL, there is a method called WorkBench which enables safe mode and doesn’t execute statements without the WHERE clause.
Search engines are programs that search for and identify items based on a user input keyword, phrase, etc. Examples include google, bing, etc.