Refraction- bending of light waves (ex. straw in a cup of water looks bent on a side but really is NOT, this is due to refraction, it bends the light waves reflected)
Luminescence- Creation/Emission/Starting or making of light through ways that DO NOT INVOLVE heat.
Ultraviolet- a wavelength that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum its shorter than visible light waves.
I believe it would be the biosphere hoped this helped!
OK so I'll give you two examples you can catch it if someone who is infected coughs or sneezes so basically it can be spread via airborne or you can even get it from sharing food or drinks also the best way to get rid of strep will be antibiotics/over the counter medicines or gargling warm salt water
When the first G residue is encounteredin the template, ddCTP is added and polymerization halts. Only one band will appear in the<span>sequencing gel.
Hope this helps !