by deleting the quatrain and sestet and adding a couplet with an ee rhyme scheme
An Italian sonnet is made up of an octave and a sestet. The octave has the rhyme scheme of ABBA ABBA, while the sestet has the rhyme schemes of CDE CDE, CDC DCD.
So, if the student wants to edit the sonnet to make it consistent with an Italian sonnet, then he should delete the quatrain and sestet and add a couplet with an EE rhyme scheme.
C. The frightened deer bounded through the forest.
The right answer is D) complexity of character. Realism (1861- 1914) was an artistic movement that began in 19th century France. Artists and writers aimed for detailed realistic and factual description. They tried to represent events and social conditions as they actually are, without idealization. In the realistic plot, the character is more important than action and the plot itself; complex ethical choices are often the subject. Characters appear in the real complexity of temperament and motive. Humans control their destinies; characters act on their environment rather than simply reacting to it.