What subject? Is it it could be for anything
A. Nutrients and other materials pass through the cell membrane through the process of diffusion. This allows the cell to perform all the activities it requires for daily maintenance and living. The concentration gradient allows the cell to regulate just how much of a certain material passes through it.
Your answer should be Amoeba because it has a large pseudopods attach to their end
Answer: a.Camouflage
Simulation is a deception in the characteristics of the organism which favors it's survival in the environment. Camouflage is a kind of simulation, in which the organism adapt the color or shape according to the surrounding environment in order to remain undetected by a prey and a predator. For example, chameleon is a reptile, which can change it's color according to the surrounding environment. It changes it's color to green in grass and remains brown in the tree bark in order to eat insects and remain undetected from prey and predator population.
Therefore, According to the simulation, camouflage helps predators to survive by allowing them to sneak up on their prey.