This study lacks generalizability.
Generalizability is an academic term and describes the process of extending research findings and observations from a study on a sample population to a larger and more diverse population. The larger the sample population, the easier will be to generalize the results to the wider population. In this example, Dr Kirch used a sampling technique called convenience sampling, which involves the selection of the most available and proximate subjects. However, there is sampling bias since the sampling population is not representative of the entire population and therefore the study can not speak for the entire population.
Answer: 4 Guanines
Explanation: Following Chargaff's ratio that describes the ration of purines to pyrimidines as 1:1, if there are 23 purines, it follows that there should be 23 pyrimidines; 15 Thymines should therefore be hydrogen bonded to 15 Adenines by complementary base pairing.
We are then left with 8 nucleotides composed of guanines and cytosines in complementary base pairs. This means that half that number (4) should be guanines and the rest cytosines.
breaking down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, producing ATP.
Answer with Explanation:
Gramicidine is an antibiotic that has a polypeptide structure and is composed of 3 chains. This molecule can adopt a structure called beta 6-3 helix, so as to form a channel through the cell membrane of bacteria which allows the passage of ions (in this case cations) such as H +, K + or Na +, this situation leads to that in the cell alterations in the content of cellular cations are generated, among the effects the loss of potassium that can cause the death of the cell due to hemolysis due to alteration in the permeability of the membrane is highlighted. This effect is known as the ionophore effect.
An ionophore effect leads to the inhibition in the release of H + to the mitochondrial electronic transport chain.
Gramicidin thanks to its mechanism of action, when it produces interference specifically in a cellular organelle called mitochondria in the inner mitochondrial membrane, it is responsible for interrupting the passage of electrons, alters the gradient of H + and the performance of the enzyme called ATP- synthase which is responsible for producing ATP.
The damage that the entire previous situation produces on oxidative phosphorylation, leads to the refusal of ADP refosphorylation, then ADP and its hydrolysis products will accumulate, and finally the result will be a decrease in ATP levels.