They feared being deported and sent back to their country of origin
To force the Soviet Union to increase its military spending despite
having a weak economy
- In February 1983, the Joint Chiefs of Staff requested the then US President Ronald Reagan to give support, to pay more attention to US strategic plans in developing effective missile defense.
- The demands of the generals remained silent as Reagan presented his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) project to the public on March 23 that year, adding that the military component was being added to space exploration and use, which became popular with the public under the name " Star Wars.
- Regardless of the doubts expressed about the realization of the whole project on the creation of a new missile shield, in 1986, with the support of the Minister of Defense, President Reagan decided that after 6 months of research and study it was time to begin the process of procuring the first elements, the first phase of the system architecture of the future missile shield USA (Strategic Defense Initiative Phase I Architecture).
Learn more on Reagan presidency on
interfering in foreign territories against their will
Among the options given on the question, the answer is option D.
The countries of the communist bloc had separated from the Soviet Union,so they no longer took part in the pact.
Explanation: The Warsaw Pact was signed on 1955 by Soviet Union and the eastern European communist allies as a response to the NATO formed by United States, Canada and their Western European allies. NATO was formed on 1949. The countries who signed on Warsaw pact were USSR, East Germany,Hungary, Albania, Poland,Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia. However this pact was dissolved on 1991 because of the countries from Communist bloc started to separate them from the Soviet ally. East Germany took off their name from the pact as they got unite with west Germany. Poland and Czechoslovakia also showed their strong indication to leave the pact.
On the other hand Soviet Union was also becoming politically and economically week. So on 1991 the the Soviet commanders announced their relinquishment from the pact. After a few months later a formal meeting was arranged and the Warsaw Pact was dissolved.