The coral fossil would be a better estimate of past water depth. This is because most corals inhabit shallow water reefs, less than 150 feet deep. In contrast, pelagic fish may inhabit any open water (pelagic) part of the ocean, with depths ranging anywhere from a couple of hundred feet deep to miles in depth.
Due to a genetic modification, a mouse has no horizontal cells in its retinas and it does not expresses the connexin26.
What is horizontal cells?
The horizontal cells has receptive field with the neurobiotin and controlled by the electrical coupling.
Horizontal cells are the laterally interconnecting neurons having cell our bodies withinside the internal nuclear layer of the retina of vertebrate eyes. They assist combine and alter the enter from a couple of photoreceptor cells.
To read more about the horizontal cells refer link :
C. H and O
Almost 99% of the human body's mass is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus, in that order.
Element Symbol % in body
Oxygen O 65.0
Coal C 18.5
The human body is composed of 60% water, that is, H2O.
Bacteria are a group of single celled organisms that are neither plants or animals.
Bacteria lack cell organelles such as the nucleus and the chlorophyll.
They can be found in many environments and most of them are adapted to survive in extreme environments such as hot-springs where the temperatures are extremely high.
Unlike the plant cell wall, bacterial cell wall has a layer of peptidoglucan which determines their shape. Their cytoplasm contains both DNA and RNA.