Without fires, there would be no life on Earth
. Fires are key to maintaining the proper oxygen concentration in the atmosphere; fire regulates the carbon cycle and life, as we know it, is based precisely on carbon
Although we tend to think of fires as a human invention that kills plants, animals, people, fire, as with rain or wind, is an essential natural component, basic to maintain the planet's biodiversity.
As for example, grassland ecosystems are also benefited by the same fires that allow renewal, and generate natural sustainability on the earth through the carbon cycle.
The intensity of light had greater impact on the rate of photosynthesis. It was observed that the jar in which the intensity of light was high, large amount of oxygen was produced as compared to the jar in which the intensity of light was low.
In the process of photosynthesis, oxygen is produced from the carbon dioxide. As the oxygen in the jar increases, the leaf disk rises with in the jar which also signifies the higher oxygen production with higher rate of photosynthesis in presence of high intensity of light.
How does the bird's long beak help it survive?
It could be to crack nuts or to help dig up bugs. This should work unless the question needs to be about cells and stuff.