asteroids belt
The asteroid belt is a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, located roughly between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars
Mitochondrion is found outside of nucleus in animal cell .
So , i think the answer is B.
1. Immunizing children against childhood diseases
- 2. Encourage breastfeeding
- 3. Prevent dehydration from diarrhea by giving mixture of sugar and salt in a glass of water
- 4. Give children vitamin A capsules 2X/year to prevent blindness
- 5. Provide family planning services for spacing children
- 6. Increase education for women, emphasizing nutrition, water sterilization, and childcare.
hi sir this channel and subscribe and rainfall the plant is a push and rainfall the forests and the nucleus is a
ATP acts as an allosteric inhibitor to many of the enzymes involved in metabolism, thus slowing their function.
JM~ Hope this helps you out.....