a. It is important to preserve the oral tradition of the Kiowa people.
N. Scott Momaday's book "The Way to Rainy Mountain" is a kind of travel memoir by the author in his attempt to preserve as well as learn more about his Kiowa heritage. It tells the journey of the Kiowa people from their initial Montana habitation to the new place that the United States government had assigned them to move to- Rainy Mountains in Oklahoma.
Though the whole book delved into the journey of the Kiowa people, and Momaday's wants to rediscover his ancestors' lives and traditions. He talks about the numerous folklore and tales of the people, the importance of orally passing their stories and tales to their younger generations. The narrator/ author also hangs on the need to preserve this tradition of orally transferring the knowledge of the people, his people.
Ecological validity
Ecological validity is define as the way in which the findings of a research study are able to be generalized to real life settings.
Owens et al. (2011) manipulating texting while driving conditions (i.e., driving with no texting, driving while texting on a personal phone, driving while texting using an in-vehicle texting system) to see if this influenced visual and steering behaviors of drivers. Participants completed the task by texting the researcher on a closed course. The testing conditions serves as the ecological validity in which the researchers use his finding to generalize it to a real life setting thereby using it to predict the behaviour of the participants in real world settings.
Alternative-A choice that can be selected over something else
Scholarship- Financial aid awarded to a student by a college
Grant-A gift especially of money
Tuition-the price of attending classes
Humanism stresses the importance of human values and dignity. It proposes that people can resolve problems through the use of science and reason. Rather than looking to religious traditions, humanism instead focuses on helping people live well, achieve personal growth, and make the world a better place.