The answer would be C. Connects Route 22 and Ashville
I would say C. “was”. It’s definitely not “am”, because that just sounds completely wrong. It’s not “are” because that sounds a bit wrong, too. It can’t be “were” because it’s only referring to one group, not many groups. The only answer it could be is C.
From your picture,it looks like you're from nigeria.
The best you can do when its about this topic CONSONANTS, go through dictionary (Oxford advanced learning) and compare all the options to the given word. Dear sister try it and you'll become master at answering consonant questions.
One of the inventions which transformed the field of electricity is the light bulb.
One of the inventions that affected the society was the invention of the light bulb which transformed the field of light and electricity.
With the invention of the light bulb, the risk of the building fires from the gas lighting, kerosene lighting was all taken away. Thus it lessened the risk of explosion. The disadvantages of a candle also went away with the invention of the candle.