To become a better student, you should always pay attention to what your teacher teaches. Teachers spend many hours teaching, and yet some people do not listen to the teachers, that's what makes them not so good students. But to be a better student, you should listen to what your teacher tells you. This could not only make you better students, but this can also make you smarter students. You also need to be studying more to become a better student. Your brain builds pathways and habits over time, and studying is about building those mental muscles and endurance.
My day was awesome, but I got in trouble at school.
Just off the top of my head!
I think it might be D), but im unsure. It just seams to fit the theme of how <span>Nick said "</span>The fact that gossip had published the banns was one of the reasons I had come East."
A quote sandwich is a method that aids you in effectively adding quotes.
Top slice: Introducing the Quotation.
Meat & veggies: The Quote.
Bottom slice: Explaining the Quotation.
Its basically statingg how you should explain and show the quote in that order.
Example :
Top Slice -
According to .......
In the text it states ......
Meat and veggies -
(Write down the quote)
Bottom Slice -
This quote means....
This is stating........