1 1/12
The fractions have unlike denominators. First, find the Least Common Denominator and rewrite the fractions with the common denominator.
LCD(1/3, 3/4) = 12
Multiply both the numerator and denominator of each fraction by the number that makes its denominator equal the LCD. This is basically multiplying each fraction by 1.
Complete the multiplication and the equation becomes
The two fractions now have like denominators so you can add the numerators.
This fraction cannot be reduced.
The fraction
is the same as
Convert to a mixed number using
long division for 13 ÷ 12 = 1R1, so
1312=1 1/12
13+34=1 11/2
The answers is -23
Step-by-step explanation:
Let are the events that denotes the good drive, medium drive and poor risk driver.
Let A be the event that denotes an accident.
The company sells Mr. Brophyan insurance policy and he has an accident.
a.We have to find the probability Mr.Brophy is a good driver
Bayes theorem,
We have to find
Using the Bayes theorem
Substitute the values then we get
b.We have to find the probability Mr.Brophy is a medium driver
c.We have to find the probability Mr.Brophy is a poor driver
6,372 I used a calculator, I hope this helps