The correct answer is a decrease in the interest rate
good luck ❤
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this large magnitude of solicitation attempts classifies as harassment. This is because you are aggressively pressuring the potential buyer towards buying the product or service that you are offering through a large quantity of different advertisement methods.
(A) Transnational organization model.
When your employees know how to share content safely online, they can represent and advocate for your organization, without harming your reputation. Defend your brand. Social etiquette ensures that everyone who interacts with your brand on social media will see a respectable, professional business.
Social media offers you numerous platforms where you can build a strong identity for your brand. However, a poorly executed branding campaign can destroy your reputation in a matter of minutes. You will end up losing potential customers, and your company might appear inauthentic.
Other examples include using bad words, sending spam, and stealing others people's stuff, like passwords and files. Using bad netiquette can make others feel sad and ruin their time online.
Read every message before clicking “Send.”
Introduce yourself whenever you “friend” someone, “follow” someone, or join a conversation.
Comment on and promote other people’s work.
Strive for honesty and transparency in your interactions.
Consider your audience. Know the difference between a public and a private message.
click “Send” when you’re tired or emotional. Especially avoid sending messages when you’re angry. Once posted, a message is difficult or impossible to take back.
Post embarrassing or incriminating photos or video to social-media sites at any time. Again, once posted, they may be out of your control
Bully or gang up on people.
Feel obligated to “follow” or “friend” someone. Likewise, don’t make others feel obligated to “follow” or “friend” you.
Post either your own or someone else’s private information online (telephone number, home address, etc.).