I’m pretty sure it’s melanin
Plants use electric fields to communicate with bees, scientists have learned.
Bumblebees are able to find and decipher weak electric signals emitted by flowers, according to the study.
Tests revealed that bees can distinguish between different floral fields, as if they were petal colours. The electric signals may also let the insects know if another bee has recently visited a flower.
How bees detect the fields is unknown, but the researchers suspect the electrostatic force might make their hair bristle. A similar hair-raising effect is seen when placing one's head close to an old-style TV screen.
Flowers were already known to use bright colours, patterns and enticing scents to attract pollinators.
1. can generate energy – Both , In landfills methane gas is produced which is used to generate electricity, like wise heat energy produced in incinerator is also used for producing energy
2. emits toxins through combustion – Incinerators produce dioxins which is a dangerous chemical
3. drains liquids into the ground – Land fill, leachate is a common issue with all landfill site.
4. releases greenhouse gases – Both, methane and other carbon gases are produced in both landfill and incinerators
5. requires a substantial amount of land – land fill site , needs a large land to dump the city waste
6. generate ash – Incenerator only
<h2>Sheep B
As given;
Step 1: The nucleus was removed from the egg which was unfertilized and,
which is taken from sheep A, means that the egg was from sheep A.
Step 2 : The nucleus of a body cell which is taken from sheep B was then
inserted into this unfertilized egg which is taken from sheep A. Now the egg contain nucleus of sheep B.
Step 3 : The resulting cell containing nucleus of sheep B was then implanted into the uterus of
sheep C.
Step 4 : finally Sheep C gave birth to a sheep named sheep D.
Sheep B would be most genetically similar to sheep D, because the nucleus was taken from sheep B, and the sheep D is the new born which is formed from the nucleus of sheep B.