I think it’s both, but probably leaning more towards ethos.
True love is a strong and lasting affection between spouses or lovers who are in a happy, passionate and fulfilling relationship. An example of true love is the emotion shared between a couple who has been married for 40 years and who are still passionate about each other and care deeply for each other. Yea hope this helped!
The science of mental health an uncertain cognitive State
He had to toe the mark. Alice was really not unreasonable. She was just tidy and she didn't want to clean when she could prevent him from coming in with muddy shoes leaving dirt and grime all over the place, which she would later have to clean up.
I think she's thought out what she wants. He is trying to cooperate with her. Seems they have a pretty good relationship.
Doing sports is quite important, especially for younger people. If they start doing any type of sport when they are young, they will develop a habit to always be fit and physically prepared. This is where sports can help a lot, which is why every child should at least try to see if they like any before they say no - they might be surprised.
My favorite sport is volleyball. Ever since I was a little kid, I always enjoyed watching volleyball, and when I was a bit older, I actually got to play it myself. I wanted to officially start training volleyball because I wished to be a professional volleyball player, but unfortunately, that never happened. I always loved volleyball because to me it seemed like such an intricate sport - there are many people on the team, each of which have their specific tasks during the game. This sport isn't very dangerous, and it is a group sport, which means that you can find a lot of friends training. I've always found volleyball to be such a beautiful sport, and one of the reasons why I also love it is because of the way volleyball players look like - they look very fit, not overly muscular, tall, and overall handsome.
All in all, volleyball has been always will be my favorite sport because, first of all, it brings me back to my childhood days when I spent hours and hours playing with my friends, and then to my later years when I developed interest in it more professionally.