If you have purchased a printer that has the capability to print in duplex mode so that users can print on both sides of a sheet of paper. However, when users try to use this capability when they send a print job, documents are still printed on only one side. Then there might be a problem with (d) THE DUPLEX MODE NEEDS TO BE ENABLED ON THE DEVICE SETTINGS TAB IN THE PRINTER'S PROPERTIES.
- If the duplex mode isn't enable on the printer setting, then the printer is still going to read that the output should come in a single page and not in the duplex mode.
- When facing such a problem, the user should go to the "Device Settings" tab in the printer properties and change the required settings to print according to the users needs.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) can be used for a variety of tasks. For instance, webmasters using FTP for pushing updates/files to their websites can provide easy and straightforward changes to their services without the need to physically transfer files onto the host server. FTP should be used when you must update a file or files on a host server for a variety of reasons and you do not have access to the host server physically. However, FTP also has some inherent security risks which is why some webmasters/hosts chose to opt out of pushing updates through FTP in favour of physical file transfer.
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Chemical cold packs should be used for bone and joint injuries because they are generally colder than ice and stay cold longer.