A video that encourages an armed attack on the government
On April 30, 1803, representatives of the United States and Napoleonic France conclude negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase, a massive land sale that doubles the size of the young American republic.
The reason why some nations were more prosperous and were faster to acheive economic prosperity was due to multiple reasons. Some have had multiple and violent military coups which obviously played a big role in their violent transitions. Other experienced violent civil wars because different cultures had to live together. These two things both played a very important devastating role in the violent transitions.
What could have been done would have been that they would redraw the borders.
3.67 billion miles is the distance
The Hessians were German mercenaries. Stark is saying that they are on a hill that he and his comrades will take and if they don't his wife will be a widow. In other words, it means that the victory will come to the Americans or they will die trying.
The Americans had more at stake. If they were defeated they would be hung for treason. In their minds, George III was a tyrant who would not listen to them. Nor would he dispense Justice.