For Germany the treat of Versailles dealt them a heavy hand. They were imposed land, economic and military restraints as well as forced to pay a great deal of the reparations cost for countries like France. Whom during world war one had received heavy damages.
More specific on territory, Germany's land were split between different nations. Such as the Rhineland which they were prohibited from occupying after losing the war.
Hope it somewhat helps :)
Because Dred Scott was determined about Congress and how Congress could stop slavery but eventually it became unconstitutional
Religion was central to Aryan culture. Aryan religious practices merged with the customs of people already living in the valley to form the basis for Hinduism. The Aryans worshiped numerous gods through sacrifice. They practiced many elaborate rituals and were careful to remain ritually pure according to their varna.
Native Amerixans lost land during the revolution.
identify the problem
gather information
consider and weigh the opitions
evaluate the solution
implement solution
i think this is right please correct me if i am wrong