to place restrictions on other countries
no free trade unless barriers
In the spring of 1842, John Charles was given orders from the Corps of Topographical Engineers to survey and map the emigrant route to Oregon known as the Oregon Trail. ... Frémont would complete his official orders and more, crossing into the Mexican province of California.
Maintaining order in a society is not an example of providing for the common defense or establishing justice. It is an example of insuring domestic tranquility.
The Acronym M.A.D. stood for Mutually Assured Destruction.
It is used in the visual arts to describe a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off-axis from the hips and legs. This gives the figure a more dynamic, or alternatively relaxed appearance. It can also be used to refer to multiple figures which are in counter-pose (or opposite pose) to one another. It can further encompass the tension as a figure changes from resting on a given leg to walking or running upon it