Papermaking (50–121 AD) ...
Silk. ...
Tea Production (2737 BC) ...
Kites. ...
The Seed Drill (250 BC) ...
There were three Nebuchadnezzar's who reigned. Assuming that you are talking about Nebuchadnezzar I, he reigned during 1125 - 1104 BC.
The following are correct:
A moat filled with water from the Euphrates River surrounded the city.
Walls around the city provided protection from enemies.
During the Progressive Era, political leaders instituted policies designed to empower average Americans and curtail the power of large business interests. In the course of US history, the pendulum has swung between increasing government regulation of big business and leaving it free to grow as it will. In your lifetime, what decisions has the government made about increasing or decreasing this type of regulation? What have been the effects of those decisions? Compare the issues and outcomes to those of the early twentieth century decisions to regulate big business in the Progressive Era. You might also consider whether the media serve a similar "muckraking" role in causing this pendulum to swing one way or another
The Intolerable Acts basically allowed the British soldiers to do anything they wanted to the colonists making it to where the colonists never could do anything again. The Boston Tea Party is what started the Intolerable Acts.