the amount remembered depends on the time spent learning.
Hermann Ebbinghaus has studied the memory and discovered the spacing effect and the forgetting curve and was considered as the person to study memory. While conducting experiments on memory, he has used the nonsense syllables, for example, DIT, MUR, etc.
According to Ebbinghaus, he tends to forget the list of words being remembered less quickly in which he has spent more time memorizing and believed that best recall of the list being remembered is just after learning has completed.
The answer is the availability heuristic.
The availability heuristic is a mental short-cut that takes place when a person relies on immediately available, often recent information to justifiy their ideas or take decisions. In the example, when George notices his new professor was young, he was surprised because the only available information he had about psychology teachers was completely different.
This heuristic may result in poor decision-making and even <u>stereotyping</u>.
<span>the citizenry enjoys a common identity that fosters a sense of belonging is one of the distinguishing characteristics.
Nation state is a large social group that is based on the similar in hometown, culture, and political entity.
Belonging to this type of states will make each members feel a certain pride and attachment to the nation and are willing to make sacrifice for it.</span>
I really don't know.
But, my type of scientific explanation why the school system sucks in this world is because humans are stoopid. (Counting me ).
Schools kill creativity. For example, every education system around the world views art, music and drama classes, the creative classes, as a trivial part of their curriculum, and emphasize the importance of math and languages. (And they put you through torture of long boring hours of studying).
Yeah I think that was to much information. Btw, I found this off the web.
I don’t know when this was needed but if u still need the answer I’m pretty sure it’s
A letter written to a family member by an America soldier fighting in the war.