The one that is not the results of the six day war would be : D. A Lasting middle east peace was achieved
Even until today, the middle east is still in a constant threat from various parties.
hope this helps
I looked it up and it seems that the best best answer would be RISE AND FALL OF DYNASTIES.
The correct answer is D. To equal that of Brahman.
In Hinduism, the atman is a concept to refer to the essence of the individual. This in turn is related to Brahman (the essential unit of everything that exists in the universe). So, the relationship between atman and Brahman is that Brahman, being the essential unit of everything existing in the universe, encompasses the essence of being, that is, atman in a singular sense. Moreover, the atman or indivudual should work to become or to equal the Brahman. So the correct answer is D. To equal that of Brahman.
a process that white Southerners called redemption