Answer: An internal audit is being performed.
Internal Audit is a department or entity that provides structures, corporate organizations, and procedures for persons inside an organization with unbiased, objective assessments.
According to the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, the role of internal audit is to provide objective assurance that an organization's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively.
The first step in making a choice is to define the issue at hand. When making judgments, related costs and benefits should be evaluated. When making judgments, extraneous costs and advantages should be overlooked.
7 c's of communication
Talk or speech needs to be interesting for audience, to attain the desired goal of communication.
The public communication would be effective & interesting ; if it satisfies 7 c's of communication - Clear, Concise, Correct, Coherent, Complete, Courteous, Considerate.
Communication not satisfying one or many of above C's is likely to be ineffective &, or uninteresting for audience
This statement is false.
Conversion and direct materials are generally both not added at the end of the production process. As a matter of fact, they are either added at the beginning, or in the middle of the process, but definitely not at the end because then it would be too late.
Fran should choose that which compounds quarterly
In Compound Interest investment, the interest at the end of the compounding period is added to form a new base capital.
If this is done every 3 months, the principal at the beginning of each quarter increases while in annual compounding, the interest is added at the end of the year.
Generally, for investment, the more frequent is it compounded the better. On the other hand, less frequent compounding is preferred for borrowers.