<span>it is caused by A.overgrazing
A microprocessor is a computer processor where the data processing logic and control is included on a single integrated circuit. A computer need microprocessors to perform the functions of a computer's central processing unit.
Differ in the quality of their transmission.
For example, when using the public phone box, wired transmission is done not wireless as in cell phones. Public phone box use electronic signals transmitted through a cable network to send voice data which are not very effective for long distance communication.
However, cell phones wirelessly send electromagnetic wave signal to a cell tower close to the caller and then the information is then transmitted to cell tower close to the receiver within a split of a second. This method of communication has much advantages.
The solution code is written in Python:
- mystery_string = "Programming"
- output = ""
- for x in mystery_string:
- output += x
- print(output)
Firstly, create a variable mystery_string to hold a random string (Line 1).
Create an output variable to hold an output string (Line 2).
Create a for-loop to traverse the mystery_string character by character (Line 4). In the iteration, get a character from the mystery_string, and concatenate it with output string (Line 5). Print the output string (Line 6) before proceed to the next iteration.
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