In addition to MLA, <u>American psychological association, Associated Press and Chicago manual of style</u> are widely using referencing techniques,
<u>American Psychological Association(APA)</u>
APA is the largest organization of scholars, they have their own referencing style guidelines that is used by these scholars.
<u>Associated Press</u>
It is also an american based agency that have their own referencing style for citation of research work named as Associated press.
<u>Chicago Manual of Style</u>
It is also an american referencing style used for reference.
Serial SCSI
Hot swapping can be defined as a process which typically involves fitting or replacing CD-ROM drive, hard-disk drive, power supply or other peripheral devices while a computer system is powered on. Thus, it allows for the installation or removal of a peripheral device from a computer while power is still being supplied to the computer i.e without having to shutdown the computer.
Serial SCSI is a SCSI standard which allows for the technique known as “hot swapping” because it's a point to point connection that is designed to move data to and from computer storage serially.
Ms- word it is , hope it was helpful
Always touch a metal object before installing to prevent short circuiting the hard drive.
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