He is born he eats some he gains weight he realizes he may have an eating disorder he becomes depressed he becomes very obese and overweight he has very high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes he finally is struck with a major heart attack that kills him in front of his loyal wife of 40 years.
Echinoderms are most closely related to chordates because both are: <span>D)Ectotherms</span>
For the answer to the question above,
An area where soil has eroded experience <u>"</u><u>loss of nutrients. "</u>
The topmost layer of soil is called the topsoil and is the most fertile. Soil erosion results in the loss of soil fertility and makes the land barren
The main cause of soil erosion is the removal of vegetation, which exposes the topsoil to water and wind. Wind and water are the main agents of soil erosion.
Water erosion can be sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion or riparian erosion.
The chemical structure of a saturated fatty acid exhibits each carbon bonding to the adjacent carbon with single bonds. Each carbon is also bonded to two hydrogen atoms. The linear nature of saturated fatty acids allows for tightly packed formations, causing them to be solid at room temperature
Vacuole-Stores water and waste material.
This maintains turgidity in pants.It is large in size and occupies the center of palnt's cells.
Mitochondrion- Breaks down sugars.
This breaks down sugars during cellular respiration to produce energy as ATPs.
Lysosomes-Breaks down waste materials and debris.
This removes worn out cells and organelles.It is a vital organelle.
Ribosomes-Produces proteins for the cells.
This is the site of protein synthesis through translation of transcripted mRNA in the cells.