Taxation and invasion of privacy oppression ect
Guru Nanak, the founder of sikhism, maintained that only the Creator knows the origin of the universe, and he also wrote that the divine creation consists of a large number of universes. No one knows for sure how and when creation took place.
The FSA resettled poor farmers on more productive land, promoted soil conservation, provided emergency relief and loaned money to help fanners buy and improve farms. It built experimental rural communities, suburban "Greenbelt towns" and sanitary camps for migrant farm workers.
Leonardo's ability to observe and study, then demonstrate those things in his art, he was pretty much the definition of a Renaissance man. Defined: Renaissance man: a person with many talents or areas of knowledge.
<span>The correct answer is A. Both exercised military and economic domination over colonial territories.
Both French and British practised similar tactics to control and domination over their empires in Asia to profit economically and militarily from their colonies. Economically the French did well in Fur Trade while the British sold products to their colonies and acquired raw materials for their industries, getting products from their farms.
Both countries also used their colonial territories in Asia to serve as military bases when necessary.</span>