gravitational force keeps planets in their continuous orbit around the sun
A timeline shows events in order according to their date, thinking chronologically shows events how they played out in time in order from when they happened
1.What does pharaoh's answer to Moses reveal: "Who is the Lord that I may obey his voice?
he is asking who is Moses God and why should he obey him.
2. What negative consequences, at first, brought for the people of Israel the sight of Moses and Aaron al
Pharaoh had set all of the Israelites to work and slavery and that was a problem for Moses so God had sent plags
How have the six basic principles that are in the U.S. Constitution
allowed the U.S. Constitution to continue to provide the framework for
our government for like over two hundred years?
the six basic principles being:
popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and federalism.
I'd like to understand the whole concept better.