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Use the HLOOKUP function in the cell E2 by specifying the student's hourly rate value, the range of cells of the table holding the information, the row from which to return the value, and a value of true or false for approximate or exact match respectively.
Microsoft Excel is a statistics tool used for data analysis. It has several functions and graphical properties for cleaning and representing data.
The HLOOKUP function is an example of a search function in excel, it returns a value based on another value from a range of cells. The function accepts four arguments, they are, the value to be searched, the range table or cell range to search, the row to get the search value, and a mode of return value to return, could be either true for an approximate match or false for an exact match.
The first check performed by an administrator that it View the login history.
When user logging into Salesforce it receives an error message into the screen it view the logging detail which help us take to troubleshoot the problem. The logging history keeps track information like who is access the system last time ,date etc .login history also display up to 20,000 records of user logins for the last six months.
Consumer misbehavior can defined as the behavioral acts by consumers which violate the generally accepted norms of conduct in consumption situations, and disrupt the order expected in such situations. Misbehavior by consumers disrupts the openness, impersonal trust, and orderliness of the exchange environment.
Some of the examples of customer misbehavior are: shoplifting, bending rules, breaking rules by ignoring warnings and using products in forbidden or ways not recommended...
* Routinized response behaviour is a type of purchasing scenario whereby the purchaser of a product or a service has past experience with purchasing it and automatically makes the decision to purchase again.
* Psychological influences refers to the workings of the mind or psyche that influences customer decisions.
* Social influences refers to the intentional and unintentional efforts to change another person's beliefs, attitudes, or behavior.
Therefore, the option that best suits the question is option B, CUSTOMER MISBEHAVIOR.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double DrivingCost(double drivenMiles, double milesPerGallon, double dollarsPerGallon)
double dollarCost = 0;
dollarCost = (dollarsPerGallon * drivenMiles) / milesPerGallon;
return dollarCost;
int main()
double miles = 0;
double dollars = 0;
cout << "Enter miles per Gallon : ";
cin >> miles;
cout << "Enter dollars per Gallon: ";
cin >> dollars;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 10 miles : " << DrivingCost(10, miles, dollars) << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 50 miles : " <<DrivingCost(50, miles, dollars) << endl;
cout << "Gas cost for 400 miles: "<<DrivingCost(400, miles, dollars) << endl;
return 0;
- Create a method definition of DrivingCost that accepts three input double data type parameters drivenMiles, milesPerGallon, and dollarsPerGallon and returns the dollar cost to drive those miles
- Calculate total dollar cost and store in the variable, dollarCost
- Prompt and read the miles and dollars per gallon as input from the user
- Call the DrivingCost function three times for the output to the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles.