in cat walk.
cat walk in its style called cat ealk
The consequences of losing the mandate of heaven include that if the leader becomes unvirtous and people in the monarchs realm are suffering or starving from certain events seenot as a sign of ruler not being virtous, then being replaced and losing position of the emporer or being in charge is a threat. The mandate of heaven giveso you the authority to rule under the supposed word of God. Without this holy order, the people wouldn't want to follow the Supreme leader because they'd believe that they're not obligatedo tof anymore. Religion was very important at the time that the mandate of heaven was a key document in ruling political states, so it was very effective.
If safe turn the power connection off at the supply source e.g the power box where the main switches are. But do not attempt to turn the power off st the powerpoint switch (the source in which the electrical hazard is coming from).
Even after the power has been disconnected you shouldnt touch the person immediately after.