I believe the answer is: "But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she hardly had a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark "
From the lines, It is clear that Darcy initially perceived Elizabeth as ugly, which unusual among females that he usually see in his social standing.
Then, after interracting with ther, he realized that Elizabeth has astounding inner beauty and intellect which altered his perception toward her.
When the vowel starts with a suffix you drop the final E.
•love + able = lovable
•change + ing = changing
What is the historical significance of Rowlandson’s The Narrative Of the Capacity and Restoration of Mrs.Mary Rowlandson
The continuation of this quote is "... Nor was so worldly as to gain office".
A: Subject: We
Predicate: are working
B: Subject: Tanya
Predicate: is
C. Sub: Mashruf
Pred.: dreamt
D. S: Ismael
Pred: ran
E. S: We
Pred: are
F. S: postman
Pred: is picking
G. S: grandparents
Pred: are having
*Recall that helping verbs are part of the verb too!
*Hopefully that helps you understand! Good luck to you!