The War of 1812 is sometimes called the second war for independence. The Americans fought for their rights; for the rights to neutral trade, which British government suspended because of the continental system of the French emperor Napoleon.
a. Economic discrimination is paying a person a lower wage or excluding a person from an occupation on the basis of an irrelevant characteristic such as race.
This discrimination at the workplace just like any other kind of discrimination lacks a rational or justification and usually happens when people is labelled and thus paid labelled based on its colour, religion, race and anything that will unfairly or badly treat.
People being discriminated at work can have a lower performance, and jobs tend to favour
Economic discrimination usually means inequality which occurs when the employer is not equitable in the assignment of duties and badly perceives the work of the people who have different functions.
The laws are designed to promote a better working environment and protect the rights of the workers yet discriminating is very frequent on the grounds of any reason.
<em>Today, perhaps the best example is the still ongoing struggle for women to get better job salaries and conditions at work.</em>
<em>They often get paid less for doing the same job as a man, and will often become given lesser opportunities to have better job positions. </em>
This seems to be an opinion based question, I will provide you with both a yes and no response with arguments to support it and you can choose which one best suites your beliefs:
Yes, the benefits of raising the minimum wage outweigh the drawbacks. By raising the minimum wage you increase the quality of life for workers. Many full time workers are unable to afford housing or groceries in this economy on the minimum wage. At $7.25/hour and 40hrs/week is $290 before taxes. This is not enough income to cover the basic costs of living in most places. If people earned more money they would have more money to spend and corporations would profit from an increase in sales. Also, workers wouldn't have to depend so much on government services such as food stamps and section 8 housing assistance because they would be able to support their families with their own income. This would free up funds for government to provide more for the school systems, better healthcare and/or infrastructure.
No, the benefits of an increased minimum wage would not outweigh the drawbacks. The drawbacks of a higher minimum wage are significant because they most directly effect small business owners. The "mom and pop shop" owners depend on paying low salaries in order to keep their doors open. If they were forced to increase their pay rates, by what many minimum wage supporters suggest: more than double, they would not be able to afford employees to keep their doors open. Also, government agencies would be forced to pay their low-level workers as much as $15/hr which could become a tax burden on the citizens who pay for the salaries of all government employees. Raising the minimum wage would be detrimental to the economy because small companies and the government could not afford to support the salaries and benefits of their workers.
Descriptive research is a type of research that describes various types of data collected through observational research methods.
A type of research called descriptive research is used to outline a population's characteristics. It gathers information that is used to respond to a variety of what, when, and how inquiries regarding a particular population or group. Surveys are used in descriptive survey research to collect information on a variety of topics. This information aims to determine the degree to which various conditions can be found among these subjects. A population, circumstance, or phenomenon is intended to be accurately and methodically described through descriptive research. What, where, when, and how questions can be answered, but why questions cannot. Descriptive research has many benefits, one of which is the ability to analyze data and create a thorough understanding of the research problem.
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