I should like to see the time come when women shall help to make the laws. I should like to see . . . the ballot, in the hands of women.
An ellipsis is used to delete unimportant words or phrases in a quote. In this case, the words "that whiplash" was replaced with the ellipsis. It is not necessary to understand the meaning of the sentence. Sentence 1 is not clear because it just states he wants to see the ballot, not that he wants to see it in the hand of women, which is his main point. Sentence 3 is incorrect because nothing was omitted. In Sentence 4, it is not clear who shall help make the laws, which is his main point.
Bronte creates sympathy for the girls at Lowood school by employing the literary device of personification and starkly describing the girls' less than favorable living conditions in the school.
- Bronte described Jane's first morning at Lowood school during a winter, the water in the pitchers the girls are meant to use for their morning ablutions are frozen and yet they have to use the water like that.
- During breakfast they were served burnt porridge they could not eat and consequently had to suffer through the morning to lunch time without eating anything, an event that Bronte suggested happened more than once.
- The girls are denied simple and harmless luxuries like keeping their natural curls and wearing clean stockings, a fact that ironically contrasts with the way the proprietor's family present themselves in artificial finery.
- When disease struck the inhabitants of Lowood Bronte described the dismal atmosphere using personification: "while disease had thus became an inhabitant of Lowood, and death its frequent visitor; while there was gloom within its walls; while its rooms and passages steamed with hospital smells." All the makes the reader feel sympathetic towards the girls, as they are living in conditions that are not fit to be lived in.
The best option to this question is D. Eurylochus is convincing the men to kill a cow.<span>Eurylochus said that
</span><span>"I'd rather die at sea, with one deep gulp of death,
than die by inches on this desolate island here!" *
Actually he was trying to convince the men to kill a cow.</span>
C) got married; got on stagecoach; Kalydor discovered; stagecoach overturned
I took the usatestprep test trust me its right
Where is the poem so I can help ?