Being involved in extracurricular activities can help you stand out on your college applications because it shows that you are skilled in more than 1 thing. Depending on the extracurricular you’re taking, you could be very good at strategic and critical thinking. This could be helpful in your future. Colleges do what the best of the best. Being involved in extracurricular activities also can show that you can take on more than 1 task. A lot of people can’t multitask or have a short attention span. This could be really good.
2. If I could create my own club or organization it would be one that explores individuals talents. Not a lot of people are sure what they want to be when they get older and I’d like to help them with that. Not any skills to be exact. The requirements would be to be serious about this, having manners, self-control, bring able to know what to respond to and what not, getting help instead of taking things into their own hands, and good listening.
3. Yes. You could use my first response as the answer to this question. There’s too many reason why getting into extracurricular activities is beneficial to getting the career of your dreams.9
Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
Relationship Change as the MNE moves from Globalization 2.0 to Globalization 3.0 operations:
This move means that Indian and Chinese companies would be competing with my local small firm. The MNE may be looking for cheaper prices for my company's products and services, which the Indian and Chinese companies would more efficiently supply it. My firm may be on the precipice of liquidating if this MNE is our major customer. My firm must move fast to become more competitive by differentiating our products and services with better quality and perhaps reduced production costs, to enable it compete more favorably with the Indian and Chinese competitors. Otherwise, we may regard the relationship as nearing its end and prepare for other opportunities with other companies.
Globalization reduces national boundaries by integrating national economies into a globalized economy, thus enabling companies to compete globally for financial resources, goods, and services. When Globalization 1.0 happened, countries were globalized and the world became a global village. When Globalization 2.0 from which the G7 profited largely, companies were globalized. With the current Globalization 3.0, individuals are being globalized, and the highest beneficiaries are Indian and Chinese nationals who appear better prepared to take on the world, garner most of the important resources to themselves, and call the shots from the boardrooms. An example is Microsoft's current CEO, Satya Nadella, who is an Indian-American.
PPF : Downward Sloping Straight Line
PPF is the locus of product combinations that an economy can produce, given resources & technology.
It is downward sloping : Because of inverse relationship between two goods- if one has to be increased other has to be decreased , because of same resources & technology.
Marginal Opportunity Cost (Slope of PPC): is ratio of a good sacrifised to gain each additional unit of the other good.
∆ Good sacrifised / ∆ Good gained
If this ratio is same i.e constant amount of a good is sacrifised to gain an additional amount of the other one , the slope of PPC is constant & it is a straight line
Eg : Good1 Good2 MOC [∆Good2/∆Good1]
0 20 _
10 10 -10/10 = -1 (10-20)/(10-0)
20 0 -10/10 = -1 (0-10)(/20-10)
So , same (1) good 2 is sacrifised to attain a good 1 each time.
However Generally: MOC is increasing , because of assumption that resources are unequally efficient in various goods production - shifting good from efficient to inefficient increases sacrifise each time. This makes PPC usually concave.
well... this is a statment not a question so it doesnt really make snce but yes you should research the company
C. hacking
Hacking is a term used to describe an unauthorized access to a computer data base for illegal purposes. It also means breaking into an organization's security data system either to corrupt data, steal information or disrupt certain activities.
Most hackers demand for monetary returns or cause collateral damage having gained unathourized access into an organization's data base.
There are several ways of hacking which includes;
Phising scam: An attempt to have access into a computer by making a user open an attachment or provide confidential information.
Malware attack: is a type of hacking attack which after being carried out, cripple activities of an entire organization including its business associate, government parastatals, customers etc in exchange for money.
Code break: This is where a secret software is installed to allow users hit a company' s data base through strings.
Organizations are beginning to expend money on their security systems by constantly updating them against any internal and external attack.