N his book The Interpretation of Dreams<span>, </span>Sigmund Freud suggested that<span> the content of </span>dreams<span> is related to wish fulfillment. </span>Freud<span> believed that the manifest content of a </span>dream<span>, or the actual imagery and events of the </span>dream, served to disguise the latent content, or the unconscious wishes of the dreamer.<span>n </span>his book The Interpretation of Dreams<span>, </span>Sigmund Freud suggested that<span> the content of </span>dreams<span> is related to wish fulfillment. </span>Freud<span> believed that the manifest content of a </span>dream<span>, or the actual imagery and events of the </span>dream<span>, served to disguise the latent content, or the unconscious wishes of the dreamer.</span>
<span> The lumbee indian tribe used walking canoes and horseback for transportation but many tribes did not have horses till the 1700"s
For new england colonies their activites are fishing, lumber and whaling
for middle colonies they depended on agriculture (mostly the production of wheat) shipping and trade
southern colonies trade and agriculture ( mostly tobacco and cotton)
just add all the 3 average time together then dived all of them in the nxt box