sad story not my pics got from the internet on gram this is bopy he is about 6 or 7 his brother is using him for clout and makin
g him do bad things for fame n followers he is being a bad influence to bopy and he hangs around bad ppl he has or 90k followers on the gram his mother is a drug attic and has medical issues from the drugs she never went to the doctor as she cannot afford the she’s never home she’s in and out of jail and their father left when bopy brother turned 11 their father was abusive towards their mom he was a alcoholic and in and out of jail after that they haven’t seen him since then he is currently in jail for life he kiled somebody bopy brother is kinda his caretaker since the mom is never home his brother also do drugs bopy does it too they live in an old trailer home it’s dirty in the inside they don’t have food at home they starve or steal bopy goes to school but his brother dropped out the nice drip bopy has on his brother gets it from a friend this is a sad story
lol I'm not reading that entire story but lemme tell you his HAIRCUT is the sad story here. whoever did that to the poor boys hair needs to be put away for LIFE
His elevation is higher than 1600, where there is less oxygen and, air which technically contains oxygen, and the fact that elevation means going “up”.