d. a Zulu leader and organizer of a violent, militaristic empire.
Shaka kaSenzangakhona also referred to as Sigidi kaSenzangakhona and Shaka Zulu was born in July, 1787 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Shaka became the king of the Zulu kingdom in 1816 and he ruled until the 22nd of September, 1828, when he was assassinated in KwaDukuza, South Africa by his two half-brothers named, Mhlangana and Dingane.
Shaka was a Zulu leader and organizer of a violent, militaristic empire that were armed with assegais, a form of long-bladed, short spear with an easy to wield handle. This weapon is considered to be very deadly and as such contributed to the success Shaka and his warriors had in their fight with other tribes.
Albeit this is a basic answer, World War Two was a major catalyst to an increased focus on internationalism. In addition, financial and political interests (most notably for political interests is the Cold War) are both legitimate reasons to why the United States of America has remained as a major part of international affairs.
Private interest owns the factors of production in a market economy. In a market economy, the means of production are privatized to individuals (can you help me with my questions plz)
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Most of today's suburbs were farmland during the 1940s. ... Understanding why people began moving to the suburbs is important. The migration had a huge impact on U.S. energy use (suburban living encourages driving; urban living encourages walking) and schooling (suburban schools are often superior to urban schools).