The expected growth mark marker for a 6 month old infant is that the infant can transfer objects from hand to hand, rolls from prone to supine, sits well unsupported, presents with stranger anxiety, and that the patient can babble.
Convection process
The process of convection is commonly takes place in the mantle portion of the earth and also at the atmosphere.
This process is usually defined as the process where the materials are heated at a high temperature, thereby making them less denser, and due to their low density they are gradually pushed upward into the upper zones. As the materials rises up, the density gradually increases due to the lowering of the temperature, and then the materials again sinks. This give rise to the formations of a circulating cell, which are commonly known as the convection cells.
Answer: The non-vascular plant group are
A) Chlorophytes
B) Charophytes
C) Bryophytes
Charophytes, Chlorophytes and
Bryophytes are those plants having multicellular body and doesn't have a vascular bundle i. e. xylum and phloem. In vascular plants, xylum ia is responsible for the transportation of water and phloem is responsible for the transportation of food materials from one part to another. These bundles are absent in Chlorophytes, Charophytes and Bryophytes.