A. Climate, because the climate is the weather conditions in an area for a long period of time, so she would be able to pack clothing that wouldnt hinder her in that specific climate
The correct answer is option (D) "His- strain grows on an his- plate".
The Ames test is a procedure that allows to detect if a given compound can cause mutations on a tested organism by growing strains of bacteria that require histidine (His-) to growth, since they are not able to produce its own histidine. In the Ames test, the bacteria is exposed to a given compound and is grown in a medium with small amount of histidine (his- plate). If the His- strain grows on a his- plate, it means that the bacteria has mutated to synthesize its own histidine and it is considered as a positive result on a the Ames test.
- Can leverage Next Generation Sequencing technology to identify and characterize organisms
- Has resources to support analysis at the DOE-JGI site.
- Can identify microbiologic organisms without traditional isolation and culturing of individual organisms.
Metagenomics can be defined as the study of whole genomes of biological communities recovered from environmental samples. This genomic field has enabled the discovery of new species (microorganisms) and their effects on the environment. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies allow to obtain huge amounts of genomic data, which has been a limitation in genomics and metagenomics. Metagenomic NGS (mNGS) is a technique used for sequencing nucleic acids present in a biological sample containing mixed populations of microorganisms. Finally, the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) is a referent in metagenomic analysis, especially in genome assembly data obtained from microbial communities. This Science User Facility has developed a series of bioinformatics tools and databases in order to analyze metagenomic information.
A cell is analogous to an engineered watch because it consists of numerous interdependent sub units and also because coded information can not arise from random processes. A cell is the basic unit of living systems. Although it is relatively easy to visualize the components of cells, it is difficult to conceptualize how these components function together to sustain life within the cell.