Answer: In "Beowulf," Grendel is always the villan of the story. He is presented as a man-eating demon, who daily slaughters Danes and feeds on his corpres. He is never anything more than an obstacle for Beowulf to overcome.
On the contraty, in "Grendel," the reader can see different aspects of him. He is presented as an inteligent creature, capable of rational thoughs and emotions.
The story shows Grendel's changes and growth. It explores his relationship with his mother, his fascination with humans -which eventually turns into hatred and disgust-, and provides his point of view about the battle with Beowulf.
The other three choices simply state facts, while C randomly accuses Greene of being a criminal.
The excretory system is a close partner with both the circulatory and endocrine system. The circulatory system connection is obvious. Blood that circulates through the body passes through one of the two kidneys. Urea, uric acid, and water are removed from the blood and most of the water is put back into the system.
Because he has the fine line of informing his opinion along with his statement. He project vomits all of his information which gets people to listen to him. Figurative language helps him speak for the professional side of speaking out about civil rights for African-Americans.
He was highly skilled at begging, he was so good with his words that he could get even the poorest person to give something. He was able to get a lot, for a small amount of work. The Friar would take money to absolve people; the more money he got, the better the absolution. his brethren did no poaching where he went."
please mark as brainliest if I helped you