neurolemma is the named it is called
B.Evolution, natural selection
Charles Darwin is known as the "Father of Evolution" because he proposed the idea of evolution by way of natural selection.
To scientifically answer the question using scientific reasoning, explaining generally why it makes sense that the lion population is taking longer to recover than the herbivore populations is that;
The herbivore populations have enough food in the ecosystem,this food is in the form of flora,and this food they get keep their energy flowing and also has a way of ensuring their high recovery rates.
Then looking at the lion population,on the contrary,they have to depend on feeding on smaller animals this is because the larger animals reproduce at a smaller pace, and lions with a smaller prey,lions don't get enough and adequate food/nutrition for themselves and also for their pride of lions,this ascertains the fact that lion population take a longer time to recover than it's counterparts which is the herbivores.
The role of an enzyme is to B change the activation energy of the reaction. Specifically, they increase the general speed of all reactions and are made of proteins.