The origin goes back to the Latin verb ‘Oboedire’ which means to serve.
It says If you know Japanese read this
If you know what 1 + 1 is and want to be my friend, add me to robl ox. My user is TheKitkatplays_YT. Follow us on TikTok. My user is kitkatplayzzzzzuwu and the other account is kitkatplayzzzzzuvu. goodbye! Have a nice day
if you don't i'll tell you what im saying
I’m not sure what context this is in, but women is a group of females who are generally adults and aviation is to do with flying. Hope this helps.
to distribute something over a wide area or place
दुई मितहरुको नाम कर्णकान्त र नेत्रलाल थियो ।
(according to my text context)